
Healing definitions.
Words that heal.

  • Adaptation

    Everything here changes. So why torture yourself by holding concepts that you should be able to orchestrate constant improvement and gain? Change your definition of success to skillful adaptation. Life is uneven. Don’t take it personally. Learn to adapt.

  • Animism

    You, me, plants, rocks, and, well, everything, are fundamentally made of alive, aware wisdom. All of reality is life communicating to itself. Animism invites us to join the conversation.

  • Apprenticeship

    Apprenticeship is our best relationship to this alive aware reality. Following step-by-step. Being modest and practical. Enjoying the materials and the process. Recognizing there is no mastery. There is only infinite learning, infinite subtlety.

  • Five Elements

    Earth. Water. Fire. Air. Space. These are the five intelligences that bring us all experience. The experience of form? Earth element. The experience of connections? Water element. The capacity to transform ourselves, ideas, and circumstances? Fire element. All movements? Air element. The hosting of manifest life? Space element. See what I mean?

  • Healing

    Healing is not fixing. Western medicine fixes. But the underlying causes and conditions of illness remain. Healing means dissolving or unwinding those causes and conditions so that an illness can no longer arise. This is like reversing time. Healers are timeworkers.

  • Improvisation

    Life is a dance, a conversation, a jam session. While there are patterns that repeat, the fundamental nature of reality is freedom of expression. This alive, aware reality plays improvisationally. Open your mind and your senses to the freshness of each moment and the unexpected. Don’t plan yourself to death or lose yourself in stale ways of relating and behaving. Learn to participate in this cosmic improv.

  • Medicine

    Anything can be either medicine or poison: plants, other beings, circumstances, food, activities. Whether or not someone or something serves as medicine depends on an infinite mandala of circumstances. The ultimate medicine is kindness.

  • Poise

    A certain degree of invisibility. Walking between unseen. The stillness in dynamism and the dynamism in stillness. Living in the gap. Beyond equanimity, poise is poised to fluidly adapt, and nothing is either required or rejected.

  • Roundworld

    The flatworld is the world of what you see is what you get: materialist, rationalist, and governed by obsessions with explanation, capture, command, and control. The roundworld is alive, aware, communicative, wise, and magical. It is populated by beings seen and unseen, including ancestors. The roundworld is animist. Impermanence is the roundworld’s theater.

  • The City

    All of manifest life is a city: a zone that you travel to with the specific intent of meeting others, being surprised, and having diverse, rich encounters and experiences.

  • Time

    The experience of linear time is produced by the coming and going of bodies: heavenly bodies, our own bodies, and all of the impermanent things of the world. Beyond this experience of coming and going is big time or the supreme moment, or simply presence: the all-at-onceness life of awareness and wisdom.