{Slow down}



Listening to loud, fast music, we don’t hear the subtle modulations. Speeding down a road in a fast car, the finer details of the landscape blur. Engaging in fast sex, feeling becomes monolithic rather than textured and layered. When we slow down, we take the first step toward reconnecting with our senses and infinitely nuanced life.

Slow down to feel more.

slow down your yoga practice ● stroll with friends ● appreciate your meals with all of your senses ● just listen ● float in a lake ● read poetry in bed ● savor new tastes ● gaze at the sky ● dance in slow motion ● do nothing with eyes open ● enjoy colors and scents ● experience the dawn ● rest on the ground ● explore slow touch ● feel textures ● breathe with your whole body ● see everything as a shape ● pause to feel content ● move your hands slowly in space ● do one thing at a time ● complete before moving on ● do slow belly breathing ● feel the bottoms of your feet as you walk ● take a nap outside ● bathe in moonlight ● hold sweet water in your mouth ● read a very long book ● learn flower arranging ● make sun tea ● enter into friendly silence ● stroke a large animal ● braid a friend’s hair ● quietly observe other beings ● do walking meditation ● stop trying to be understood ● listen to children play ● listen to the breeze ● walk barefoot in spring mud ● listen to music while doing nothing else ● watch the tops of trees move while lying on your back ● smell babies and listen to them breathe ● sit on rocks in streams ● scratch your back on a tree ● observe light changing throughout the day ● massage yourself with warm oil ● gaze into space in a dark room ● watch incense smoke curl ● do some canning ● learn fermenting ● play with sand ● make plant medicine ● consciously talk and walk more slowly ● Enjoy wearing soft, loose clothes against your skin ● relax in clean, well-cared for spaces ● turn off social media ● enjoy the textures, transformations, and movements of ironing and sewing ● meditate on warm ghee
