{Shake up the channels}

round fast.png

Slow is not better than fast.

When we can’t feel because we’re going too fast, we slow down. Stagnation in the body, energy, and mind means shake the channels. Speed up. Life is a rhythm, a pulse, a wave, an undulation. It’s round, not linear. Both slow and fast and everything in between have their place. We feel for what is appropriate to the times and our circumstances. Ultimately, we want to remain connected, sensing, adapting, and skillfully improvising at any speed.

Fast Medicines.

Explore unstructured movement ● dance fast in circles ● enjoy the movement of striding ● sing loud with your mouth wide open ● roll down a hill ● jump into a river ● swing kettlebells ● blow a conch ● slap your body up and down with the palms of your hands ● do dynamic asana ● play fast live music ● race a kid to the corner ● laugh with your whole body ● stand facing a strong wind ● roar like a lion ● drum ● impersonate fast nonhuman animals ● speed sketch ● ride a bike on a trail ● drive fast through the countryside with your windows open ● kayak ● take a cold shower after a hot one ● jump rope ● engage in consensual tickling ● run in the rain
